
The Cousins Club of Orange County was formed in 1988 by Orange County residents, Jews and Palestinians, who are concerned about Israeli – Palestinian problems. Everyone who has an interest in peace in the Middle East is invited to join us.     We meet monthly to educate ourselves, sponsor public educational meetings, counter cliches and misinformation in local newspapers, and to give our legislators a reasoned view of mid-Eastern affairs.

The following Points of Agreement form a basis for our activities: 
We, the members of the Cousins Club of Orange County, believing that war is not an acceptable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, adopted the following seven “Points of Agreement” at a meeting held on October 23, 2000:   

1. We continue to favor a two-state solution:  a viable Palestinian state with peace and security for both Israel and Palestine.    

2.  The two-state solution can only be implemented by ending the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, including East Jerusalem.    

3. There can be no peace without justice for the Palestinians. This includes the right of return or a just compensation.    

4. Israeli settlers on the West Bank  may choose to live under Palestinian rule or return to Israel with fair compensation.    

5. Encourage Israel to end its internal discrimination policies against the Arab Israeli minority.    

6. The United States should be evenhanded when mediating between Israel and Palestine. This includes comparable economic aid and the protection of human rights.    

7. Holy sites should be accessible to all.